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Poki Bomb

Japanese/Hawaiian restaurant with franchises throughout Orange County.

the Challenge

Poki Bomb began opening more franchises and wanted to keep a consistent branding amongst all of their locations.


The owners also wanted to bring awareness to their expanding menu, which became more than just poke bowls, through social media and quality food photography photoshoots.

the Solution

Prior to working with Poki Bomb, they only had an Instagram but didn't use it, so we created a new one and reformatted all the important info and pics. I fully managed their page for a few months and increased their presence as well as boosted their foot traffic..


I updated their social media accounts with professional, aesthetic photos of their New & current menu items. We also implemented online growth strategies that could also get customers through the door.


Customized Content for social media

Increasing online presence organically + through paid ads

Product photos of their new menu items for advertisements

Packaging Design

iPhone Mockup Templates (27).png
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